
Old Main, California University

Old Main was constructed in the beginning of the 20th century and is listed with the National Register of Historic Places. It was the first building constructed at California University and is a symbol of the school. We have been restoring various components of the building over the last 30 years. Our most recent work included the restoration of the historic stained glass dome. In previous work, our scope included the restoration of the main lobby and hallway areas. That work included plaster repair, new light fixtures, creation of a coatroom, and repair of the original metal ceiling. Prior to that, we prepared a Historic Structures Report, evaluated structural and mechanical systems, restored the clock tower, and renovated four rooms to be used as the President's Office Suite.

Owner: California University of Pennsylvania
Location: California, Pennsylvania

Area: 440,000 sf
Budget: $1,300,000 (total construction, all phases)
Completed: 2008, Ph. III, 2001 Ph. II, 1980 Ph. I